PE and Sport Premium Grant
PE Action Plans and Budget Tracking
- Evidencing the Impact PE funding 2020-2021 and PE Action Plan 2021 -22
- All Saints expenditure 2020-2021.pdf
- PE Action Plan and Budget Tracking 2020/2021
- PE Action Plan and Budget Tracking 2019/2020
- PE Action Plan and Budget Tracking 2018/2019
- 2021-2022 Evidencing-the-Impact-of-the-Primary-PE-and-Sport-Premium-Template-July-2021-Final.pdf
Learning Outcomes and Progression Maps
Physical Education at All Saints' CE Primary School
Here at All Saints' we have received the School Games Gold Mark for 2017 onwards. This year we are going for the Platinum Award to recognise the high level PE and sporting opportunities that make up our PE offer.
Please click the following link to highlight the criteria met to gain this award:
Children at All Saints' CE Primary School will enjoy a rich variety of experiences in Physical Education. Opportunities will be provided which will enable them to plan, participate in and evaluate work appropriate to their age and their needs. Gaining knowledge and understanding and developing a range of social skills are considered important aspects of Physical Education, as well as improving the physical skills, health and fitness of our children.
Additionally, we will encourage everyone in our care to adopt a lifelong commitment to a healthy, active and enjoyable lifestyle.
The objectives in our Physical Education work
All Saints' CE Primary School believes the following points are an accurate list of the objectives within our Physical Education programme:
- develop an understanding of the importance of exercise in maintaining a healthy life
- develop a range of psycho-motor skills
- maintain and increase physical mobility and flexibility
- develop stamina and strength
- develop an understanding and appreciation of the purposes, forms and conventions of a selection of physical activities
- develop the capacity to express ideas in dance forms
- develop the appreciation of the concepts of fair play, honest competition and good character
- develop the ability to appreciate the aesthetic qualities of movement
- develop the capacity to maintain interest and to persevere to achieve success
- foster self-esteem through the acquisition of physical competence and poise
- develop self-confidence through understanding the capabilities and limitations of oneself and others
Children at All Saints’ CE Primary School are fortunate to have an excellent PE curriculum and also access to many activities, which are above and beyond those offered by many primary schools. Through external funding, children have experienced for example: kayaking, canoeing, ghyll scrambling and orienteering amongst other outdoor pursuits.
The children begin swimming lessons at school in Year 2 and each year continue to swim for 1 term in Years 2, 5 and 6 and 2 terms in Years 3 and 4.
We, as a school, are keen to fully utilise our PE-specific budget to enhance both the enjoyment and also skill levels of our pupils through sport. The grant will be utilised in several ways to help promote a more active lifestyle by providing greater opportunities.
- We will use Sports Coaches to work with children both in and outside curriculum time with the aim to develop CPD and sustainability through increasing staff pedagogy.
- We have used: Dance, Multi-Skills, Cricket and Tennis coaches to develop pupil skills from Reception up to Year 6.
- We are part of the Cockermouth cluster and take part in sporting festivals throughout the year.
- We have level A, B and C competitions to ensure a range of children with different abilities have the opportunity to represent the school.
- Alongside the above competitions we aim to increase participation of the less active children in a sustainable way for the future through targeted clubs and club links.
- Our Year 6 pupils undergo Sports Leadership Workshops, which promotes more active lunch times, with activities run by our sport leaders.
- As part of our 30/30 commitments each year group completes run/activities at different times throughout the day.
- Our Key Stage 2 pupils experience canoeing, kayaking and ghyll scrambling and always take part in the orienteering events. This year we were overall winners of the Allerdale Orienteering Large Primary School.
In addition, we participate in festivals run by Wright Sports Services and local sport clubs, which in turn supports the local sporting community, enhancing club links.
School Games
We are one of 35,500 schools registered with ‘School Games’. As part of our registration we run an annual ‘Sports Day’ either at the Copeland Athletic Stadium, or a traditional ‘Sports Day’ on the playing field.
School staff devote their time to leading Extra-Curricular clubs dedicated to sport. Throughout the year we offer: Sports Club (KS1), Football (KS2), Tag Rugby (KS2), Orienteering, and Cricket. On top of this, several staff members give up their own time at weekends and evenings to supervise sports teams taking part in competitions. Over 85% of children in KS2 and over 60% of children in KS1 partake in school-organised Extra-Curricular Activities at All Saints’ CE Primary School throughout the year.