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What's been happening at All Saints' this week? In Nursery, we have had an amazing first 2 weeks back after Christmas. We have welcomed lots of lovely new friends, who have settled in really nicely. This week we began our 'Art week', which may actually take us 2 weeks to complete. We began with a colour hunt in the Nursery. Then we moved on to start creating our own 'Colour Book', with the children selecting the correct colour objects for that particular page. Alongside this, we have enjoyed colour books, sorting objects by colour and copying colour/shape patterns. The children are loving creating their own 'books' and we can't wait to see the end result! In Reception, we have been doing something new, "Drawing Club." This week, our focus has been on 3 Billy Goats Gruff. After hearing the story, the children attempted to act out the story using puppets. It was so much fun! The children then took part in a quiz. Each group chose a buzzer and they were asked questions about their learning from the last two weeks. We love quizzes with buzzers and this week's theme was, " Farmers And People Who Help Us." As part of this topic, the class planted seeds. We talked about all the things that plants need to grow. We learned that plants need soil, water and sunlight. The children designed their pot and went on to plant cress seeds. What a lovely week! In Year 1, what a busy start to the new term we've had! As part of our geography work, the children have been enjoying looking at maps to find London landmarks. They took Charlie and Lola puppets from Lauren Childs book, 'We Completely Must Go To London,' on an adventure around London. They produced some wonderful writing about London Zoo after researching what happens there. They had a wonderful first session of Cricket skills. Then, during our Forest School session, we enjoyed a delicious hot chocolate, played some teams games, learnt how to use a hammer safely for some art work and (as always) enjoyed the mud! In Year 2, the children have been exploring shape, learning the properties of different shapes and looking for links with things that we find inside and outside of school. In Year 3, we've been looking at the function of the skeleton and labelling some of the bones that protect major organs, that help us move, and that support our bodies. In Year 4, the children have embarked on their Young Leaders training this week. The children will deliver active lunchtimes to KS1 children throughout the Spring Term. The children explained each term in small groups and listened and responded to each other's instructions. Well done! In Year 5, the children have been started a new topic in PE. They have been developing their hockey skills this week. Through deliberate practise, they have began to gain greater control over the hockey stick while dribbling, passing and shooting. In Year 6, the class have been investigating the components that form their blood. They made a "blood model," using everyday items to represent blood plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. The children really enjoyed this activity and as an aside, they have learned lots of interesting facts such as why their blood is red in colour, or why scabs form over their cuts. Well done everyone! In Mrs Cooke's group, we have continued working with co-ordinates in Maths. In Literacy, we have started a new story called, "The Unlikely Heroes," which is about a group of dogs that form a football team called Barkington Rovers! On Thursday, we baked cheese scones and they smelled delicious! Each afternoon, Mrs Lightfoot now takes a group of our 3-year-olds for lots of fun learning activities. Last week, we took advantage of the snow and freezing cold weather. We collected little leaves and twigs and we popped them in some water overnight. The next afternoon we were delighted to find we had made pretty ice decorations which we then hung on the trees. On afternoon, we heard the story, "Paper Dolls," by Julia Donaldsen and we had a go at cutting out our own paper dolls, which we also decorated. On Wednesday, we mixed some icing sugar with water until we could roll it. A bit like play dough, we cut it out, stamped it and then popped it on some biscuits! This week, they we have visited the Reception classroom to play with our friends, which we have very much enjoyed. Yesterday, we made some binoculars. Our school takes part in the Big Bird Watch annually so we headed outside to do some birdspotting. We are lucky that we have such a large garden. The trees were full of birds and we managed to see four different breeds. We ticked these off on our list. Our first couple of weeks back have been filled with happiness!
After 5 years of achieving the School Games Gold Award, we became eligible and were successful in our application for Pl...
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