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Information for Parents including Special Educational Needs

At All Saints' CE Primary School our curriculum is underpinned by the National Curriculum (2014).  Learning is exciting and placed in a meaningful context for children.  When appropriate lessons are taught in a cross curricular way; when this is not achievable subjects are taught discreetly.

We aim to:

  • inspire children to develop a love of learning
  • take learning beyond the classroom
  • enable children to use their skills and knowledge to observe, question and think

The Long Term Curriculum Plans for each year group can be found on our website.  We hold an annual curriculum afternoon in September when Parents / Carers visit their child's classroom and discuss the curriculum with the class teacher.   In addition to this we have afternoons when children's work is displayed and additional curriculum information is given eg after the 'Power of Reading' week.  If any more information is required about the curriculum this can be obtained from the class teacher.

Children will be formally assessed at the ages of 7 and 11. Children’s progress will be measured partly on the basis of teacher assessment, and partly by national tests known as “Standard Assessment Tasks” (SATs). These are administered to 7 year olds in the late Spring and to 11 year olds in mid-May.

The web-site contains information regarding the curriculum.  If any further information is required please contact the Headteacher.