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We aim for the children to understand and be able to use the fundamentals of Mathematics. We teach children to reason mathematically and develop the thinking skills to allow them to solve problems which are the skills we feel make Mathematics relevant to life outside the classroom. We aim to foster an enjoyment and enthusiasm for Mathematics in lessons. The main focus areas (following the 2014 National Curriculum) are Number (includes place value, + - x ÷, fractions, decimals, percentages and algebra), Measurement, Geometry (includes properties of shape, position and direction), Statistics (ability to interpret and present data, ratio and proportion).

In the Foundation Stage, the children work towards the Early Learning Goals in the areas of Mathematics which comprise Number, Shape, Space and Measures. This is taught in a multitude of ways, inside and outside the classroom, through play and through specific teacher-led activities. The Reception class use the Mastering Number programme to underpin the curriculum, ensuring that they have a solid foundation in understanding and using number. Our EYFS team use the school's sensory garden as a setting for maths lessons that link the curriculum with a setting that the children are familiar with. These lessons allow the children to create links between their learning and the real world. 

Throughout the school we combine the White Rose Maths scheme with elements of Big Maths to ensure that we approach each mathematical strand in a variety of different ways, with a clear focus on the small steps involved in children fully understanding a concept. Planning of maths units is adaptive and tailored to the needs of each class.  

Throughout the school our children follow the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) method to embed key techniques and strategies and to allow them to apply their knowledge to different problems and contexts. A range of questioning techniques allows them to demonstrate their depth of knowledge and to explore maths in a way that goes beyond rote learning.

Our curriculum is supported with TTRockstars to encourage the children in and out of school to practise and further develop their skills and love of Mathematics. TT Rockstars allows children to practice key skills beyond the classroom. The link for TT Rockstars can be found at the bottom of the page. 

We know the children need to enjoy Mathematics, find it fun and learn to problem-solve through exciting and interesting challenges both inside and outside the classroom and across the whole curriculum. For this reason the whole school uses NRich and NCETM resources to provide opportunity for children to reason and explain their understanding. Opportunity is given for the children to apply their mathematical skills and thinking outside of timetabled maths lessons in cross-curricular activities. For example the Year 1 children use skills learned in the measurement units in their dinosaur topic to measure dinosaur bones in science lessons. The Year 4 class use the running app Strava to map distances and compare time in their weekly 5k running challenge which also promotes healthy lifestyles and home engagement. 

Regular visitors from the local community come in to school to show how they use maths in the careers and set up challenges for the children to complete, providing context for learning. Our curriculum is designed to be relevant to children living in Cockermouth and we actively seek out partnerships with local employers and social groups from the area. Sellafield nuclear power plant have been involved in several STEAM workshops with different classes in the school and local employers have visited school to work on activities that show how they use maths in their day-to-day work.  

Year 1 Curriculum Overview

Year 2 Curriculum Overview

Year 3 Curriculum Overview

Year 4 Curriculum Overview

Year 5 Curriculum Overview

Year 6 Curriculum Overview

Maths Policies and Guidance