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Nursery and Early Years

The Nursery and Reception Classes are known as the Foundation Stage and welcome children aged 3-5.  All children within the Nursery and Reception classes will follow the government Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum which covers birth to 5 years.  It consists of 7 areas of learning and development.  These include:

the 3 prime areas:

  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Personal, social and emotional development

4 Specific areas:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive Art and Design

This curriculum is based on children’s natural developmental stage within these areas, using the play facilities provided.  With a common curriculum, the transition between Nursery and Reception is easier for the children and helps to prepare every individual for mainstream school.

  • To create a centre of excellence for Early Years teaching
  • To provide the highest possible quality of learning environment
  • To provide a resource for the early identification of pupils with special needs
  • To provide a facility for parents to receive appropriate support to include:

      (i)   preparing for school

     (ii)  parenting skills

    (iii) basic skills

    (iv) routes to training