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Global Neighbours

Introducing Global Neighbours

Serving children, schools and the common good

We are currently working for the Christian Aid's Global Neighbours accreditation scheme.

Children live in an increasingly globalised and interconnected world in which everyday lives and local communities cannot be fully understood without reference to a wider global picture.  On one hand, it is full of wonder and the possibilities and opportunities afforded by technology.  On the other, it is marked by division, extreme inequality, injustice, and poverty, conflict and environmental crises.

We know it is near impossible to shield children from such issues.  Even the youngest in our schools bring with them knowledge of injustice, disadvantage and conflict, gleaned through the media.  With that very partial knowledge, they also bring into a school a complex set of questions, concerns and emotions.

The good news is that our school can provide a much-needed safe space and structure in which children can begin to make sense of the world they are encountering and explore their place within it.

We also nurture the values, attitudes, understanding and skills our pupils will need if they are to realise their hopes and aspirations for a more just and sustainable world in which we live well together, at local, national and global levels.  And become courageous advocates.

Over the next few months, the whole school will be involved in gaining Global Neighbours Accreditation - watch this space for our achievements and how you can support us.  

Collective Worship Overview 2023-2024

Curriculum Overview 2023-2024 with Global Advocates/Global Citizens


The All Saints’ Fairtrade Stall

All Saints Day

On the 1st of November, our school went to All Saints Church to celebrate.  We had to choose a person who we thought could be saints ...

Year 3 chose Greta Thunberg

Year 4 chose - Ade Adepitan

Adedoyin Olayiwola "Ade" Adepitan MBE is a Nigerian-born British television presenter and wheelchair basketball player. As a presenter, he has hosted a range of travel documentaries and sports programmes for BBC television. Adepitan is a disability advocate and one of the first physically disabled television presenters in the UK with a career of over 20 years.