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The Home School Association (HSA) exists to support the school and through its committee, a programme of events is organised throughout the year - not just fundraising events but social and educational events too. As new parents and guardians of children who attend school you are automatically members of the HSA.

Aims of the HSA

  • To foster relationships between staff, parents and others who wish to be associated with All Saints’ School
  • To organise and run fundraising events, which enables the school to provide enhanced facilities and opportunities for all pupils
  • To provide social events to promote good fellowship throughout the school and the local community
  • To organise and support educational events to benefit pupils and parents of the school

If you are interested in joining the HSA

All help is very gratefully accepted, and new members are always welcome. Look out for information on the notice boards outside the entrances to school and the weekly school Newsletter. If you are unsure who the members of the committee are, ask your child’s teacher to introduce you to one of them, so that you may find out more about the group, and when the next meeting or event will be.

By joining the HSA you not only provide invaluable support to the school, but will hopefully enjoy meeting other members too. Whilst children soon make new friends and settle into school, it is sometimes harder for the adults to get to know people and to feel involved. Whilst we need to have meetings to organise events and discuss requests for funding by the school, the atmosphere is friendly and informal.

If you are unable to attend meetings (usually about 5 per school year), but wish to help, you can still be a valuable part of the team. We always need people to move tables to prepare for an event, sell raffle tickets, man a stall, wash up and tidy up afterwards. Any help you are able to give will be greatly appreciated, so please make yourself known to one of the committee.