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Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Successful development in this area gives children the best opportunity for success in all other areas of learning. Within the school’s Christian ethos children begin to know who they are, where they fit in and can feel good about themselves. They also need to develop respect for others, get on with others and enjoy learning.

Communication, Language and Literacy

Children will be encouraged to listen and talk about their experiences with each other and will begin to express their feelings, ideas and needs. They will enjoy stories, poems and rhymes and act them out. They start to share books and begin to read at first their own names and signs in the class and later on an Oxford Tree reading Book. They will use ‘Jolly Phonic’ skills to recognise letter sounds and they will begin to write for a variety of purposes.

All Saints' Day Celebrations: down at Church and in our role play area

Highlights from Autumn Term

Native American Fun Day

Improving our entrance and view from our sink!

Summer time

Visit to the Mountain Rescue HQ on their 70th anniversary

It is the 70th Anniversary of Cockermouth Mountain Rescue


We watched a film about a rescue


We learned about the rescue shelter


Inside the rescue shelter


We went in the vehicles
Catherine made us mountain rescuer biscuits

World Book Day.

The snail escaped!


The Snail and the Whale


We spent the day reading the stories in which these characters appear - it was great fun!

Spring term-Some of what we have been doing

ONLINE SAFETY - we read a story about Goldilocks taking photos of herself in the 3 bears house. We learned this was not a good idea at all.

A cautionary tale!


The naughty photo stays there forever!


Now everyone can see what she did forever!

People who help us - a visit from the Police

Measuring distance - we measured and counted how far between our houses with lollysticks

It is important to know your address

We made a model town


We looked at our town on a map


We each made our house


We found our road
We measured between our houses
Each house has a number and a road name

We learn to look closely and observe

Look at the frozen water


Looking and discussing.


Use a magnifying glass


I found all these!


Can you see the ice crystals?


What can you see?


Melting ice under the digital microscope
We love the digital microscope

Our Nativity play

Advent in Reception class

Advent socks and Nativity scenes


Making wooden snowmen


Collecting winter leaves for our ice pictures


Painting wooden snowmen


Doing a bit of Christmas shopping


Look at all the cake colours!


Sewing for our calendars


If we put water on these they will freeze into ice pictures


Baking a cake


Hot chocolate on the chilly mornings


Lighting the smelly candle


Calming Christmas colouring with our morning snack


Singing for the old folks
Keeping cosy in the classroom

We made a wreath for Remembrance Day out of bottle tops

Here we are at the war memorial
Look at our wreath made out of old bottle tops

Funeral for a bird

Sadly, we discovered a dead pigeon on our first day.
We discussed what happens when something dies


We buried it
We held a funeral and said prayers


We decorated the grave

September 2023, First Day in Reception Class

Blue group


Yellow group


Green group
Red group

Our Reception children were very excited when their new chairs arrived for their classroom - what a difference they make!

Collective Worship and RE in Reception Class

Christian Teddy is always here for us when we need him


Adrian, our Vicar comes to Worship regularly


Online worship with Niscu 


We have lots of stories in Worship


We made crosses for Jesus


We try to be a kind, happy and helpful class


A puppet show online for one worship


Another Vicar told us all about being hopeful


This is our class prayer

Rainbow Challenges

Bird Watching

As it was the Great Garden Bird Watch we got a new bird table and made our own binoculars. Here we are in our outside area having fun spotting birds.

Practical maths about measuring

Visiting the mountain rescue

Arriving at Cockermouth mountain rescue HQ


We were given home-made biscuits and milk


We were allowed inside the vehicles


Here are the vehicles


We tried out the rescue shelter

We made mobile phones so we could practise ringing 999 and telling our address

Our phones have free calls and texts and a great data plan just like a real one!


We can call 999 and tell the operator our address


We needed to write and order numbers to make our mobiles


Our mobiles even have special apps for all sorts of things!


The coloured bits are the phone apps

Learning about Cockermouth and our addresses.

We looked at road signs to understand about our addresses


We each made our own house with our number on the door and road sign next to it


We built our town


This is main street


This is the old railway track
We walked to different places near us. Here we are above the river Cocker

Christmas Party Fun

Pass the parcel


Party food


Party games
Making our cosy fire every day

Our Class Nativity play.

On stage!


Mary and Joseph


The shepherds and sheep


The stars


The wise people and donkey
The angels

Visitors in school

Adrian the vicar came to worship
This was a one-man Treasure Island show

What we did on our first day in Reception class.

Class MS Teams meetings

World Book Day at home - online story telling

Settle Stories introduce the online storyteller
Pretending to be at a show, watching the live storyteller

Shrove Tuesday - Reception class made pancakes today with all sorts of lovely toppings. This is to remember that, after today, Lent is beginning when we will be trying to give some things up until Easter.