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Year 1

On Friday the children spent some quiet and reflection time in the Prayer area in school. They all enjoyed the experience and took part in all the activities.

The children have enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year which is on Saturday. They made Chinese Lucky envelopes with Chocolate coins a variation on a Chinese tradition. They tried a range of Chinese food it was yummy! They also learnt about traditional lucky colours, lanterns fire works and the Chinese Zodiac. We had lots of fun!

In Literacy the Year One children have been having the most amazing time reading Traction Man by Mini Grey. They have made their own 3 dimensional story settings for their own Traction Man adventure to help describe their settings and bring them to life. They have designed and made an outfit for their Traction man adventure. Then became authors of their own Traction Man story. Their vocabulary, enthusiasm and description throughout were amazing.

In RE the children have been learning about Spring and New life. We searched for signs of Spring in our school grounds and recorded what we'd found.

PE balancing, jumping, traveling and shape building...

Maths in the snow... we made 2D shapes and talked about their properties. We made spheres and threw them at the climbing wall and an enormous circle- using wonderful teamwork.

The children enjoyed reading the story of Charlie and Lola visiting London by Lauren Child. They used their knowledge of London to retell the story taking their Charlie and Lola puppets to visit different land marks and venues.

Geography and DT The children enjoyed making famous landmarks of models from London. They compared a map of London to one of Cumbria and looked at similarities and differences.

The children enjoyed raising money for Children in need.

Toys from the past- The children learnt about toys from the past and made a human timeline. We looked at similarities and differences. We also looked at how technology enables a different kind of interaction in ways that wouldn't have dreamed possible in the 1960's.

The children have really enjoyed using our Loose parts' play area.

The children looked for signs of Autumn around our school ground and made nature bracelets from what they collected..

During our first week, we did some Geography work searching for items and areas in our classroom.

We made Latin American crosses known as God's eye crosses. We learnt about where in the world we would see them and what they represent.

Teddy Bears Picnic- To start our new topic of Memory Box we enjoyed a teddy bears picnic. We wrote shopping lists and made the sandwiches. to prepare for the picnic.

Year One 2022-2023

We created tree boggarts around our school ground using clay and natural materials.

The children had a great time choosing some new books from the library van.

The children really enjoyed our celebrations for the Kings Coronation

Whilst eating morning bagels the children had great fun describing plants and flowers from the woodland. Next time you're out and about have ago at describing the flora and fauna in your garden or around Cockermouth.

The children took part in an amazing Nativity service at All Saints Church very well done everyone!

The children used their wonderful design and problem solving skills to make popcorn cones - they were tricky and team work and good communication were a real bonus! We evaluated our cones and talked about how we would improve them- especially to fit more popcorn in- yummy!!

The children weaved using wool to join their Christmas cards together, they learnt about deciduous trees and evergreen trees and used independent cutting skills to create some wonderful evergreen trees for the front of their cards.

Design Technology: The children designed and made snowmen finger puppets. They had to think about how to successfully join the fabric together and carefully cut their designs out. The children were very proud of their finished designs and evaluated their work.

Fun inside the planetarium, learning all about the planets and stars...

Diversity day, learning from and about other cultures...

An amazing day playing Quidditch

As part of our 'Bright Lights, Big City' topic the children were all invited to a tea party with the Queen. This was a traditional afternoon tea, with fresh scones, jam and cream . Whilst the children were disappointed the Queen was unable to attend, they had a wonderful time. The class had dressed up and looked wonderful.

We made some famous London landmarks out of Lego. Can you spot any you know?

This term the topic for the children in Year 1 at All Saints’ Primary School is “Bright Lights, Big City” and they are having great fun learning all about our own capital city – London – with its history, transport and famous landmarks and people!

Forest School Group 1

In History we have been following the events of 'The Great Fire of London'. We worked out which artefacts were useful to give us information.

In Geography we have been looking for famous London land marks. We used the key to help us identify them.

We have been using part whole models and tens frames to help us with our counting and addition.

  • Alphabet song We have been using this alphabet song to name the letters of the alphabet and learn the order. Click on this link to practise at home.

Year One Class Info

Traction Man has been busy learning phonics around Cockermouth. Can you use your phonics, say the sound, read the words. Are they real words or nonsense words?

Someone from Year One has been investigating plants around Cockermouth. Can you guess who it is?

Seven Continents Song

A song to help kids learn the 7 continents in order from largest to smallest. Subscribe! ➜ NEW RE...