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13 Give it all you've got.wma

Music Subject Leader - Yvonne S Dykes

Music Associates - Sarah Cooke, Bob Dagleish & Brian Melville

Music Intention

At All Saints’, we take great pride in our Music learning as it is an integral part of the school. We believe that Music is a unique way of communicating that inspires and motivates pupils. It is a vehicle for personal expression, and it can play an important part in personal development.

Music reflects the culture and society we live in. Therefore, Music teaching and learning at All Saints’ enables pupils to better understand the world they live in. Music also plays an important part in helping pupils feel part of a community. Besides being a creative and enjoyable subject, we believe that Music is also a highly academic and demanding subject.

Our intention is to provide opportunities for all pupils to create, play, perform and enjoy music, develop the skills needed to appreciate a wide variety of musical forms, and to make judgements about the quality of music.

At All Saints’, we aim to:

  • Develop the child as a whole through engagement in musical activity;
  • Ensure all pupils are able to access musical activities;
  • Explore and understand how sounds are made, and can be organised into musical structures;
  • Explore how music is made through a variety of instruments;
  • Develop the interrelated skills of composition, performance and music appreciation;
  • Explore how music is composed and written down;
  • Explore how music is influenced by the time, place and purpose for which it was written;
  • Develop and nurture pupils’ sense of self, and allow opportunities to explore their own ability;
  • Explore thoughts and ideas through their imagination;
  • Develop pupil’s knowledge and understanding by having opportunities to practise skills;
  • Create a platform to recognise and celebrate the diverse culture of our school through music.

Music Implementation

At All Saints’, we aim to make Music an enjoyable learning experience. We believe that each learning experience should engage and inspire pupils to be enthusiastic, life-long musicians. Therefore, we aim to teach Music musically – through completing a range of musical activities which pupils thoroughly engage in. We are very lucky at All Saints’ to have a wide range of instruments, both tuned and untuned, which the pupils play regularly in their Music learning and during extra-curricular activities.

All Saints’ uses the Sing up scheme of work to teach Music. Each year group follows at least 2 of the units from the scheme which are adapted to suit the needs of the pupils. (For some year groups, the 3rd unit of learning consists of learning music for productions, instrumental lessons or cross-curricular projects.)

We believe that singing lies at the heart of good music teaching, therefore our teaching focuses on developing the pupil’s ability to sing in tune and with others. Each unit is taught through learning to sing and play a song.

These songs develop in complexity and length as the pupils progress through the school. Through learning these songs, opportunities are also provided for listening to and appraising different styles of music, improvising and composing music, and learning about the features of music (e.g. tempo, texture, dynamics, structure, rhythm, pitch etc.).

The children also have singing with Mr Dalgliesh on Friday mornings.  This builds upon prior learning and provides opportunities for pupils of all abilities to develop their skills and knowledge.

How does Music link to our School Vision?

A vibrant school environment – Music is an integral part of All Saints’. All pupils are given opportunities to be challenged through quality first teaching. We are inclusive and we respect each other by thinking about others and helping them empathetically through partner/group learning activities.

Together we flourish – Pupils show potential by making the right choices to be ready for learning. They also develop caring and self-control when playing the instruments by treating them respectfully. Additionally, pupils are encouraged to take the time to be loving and caring, reflect upon their learning, and develop a sense of awe and wonder.

A School which values and promotes creativity … Singing brings much joy and happiness to the pupils and to the school. Learning is progressive, skills are taught and knowledge is gained. This requires pupils to be hard-working and patient to be able to fully master the curriculum. Pupils are also often given opportunities to experiment, deepen their understanding and celebrate their achievements.

A sharing and caring school community … Pupils engage with meaningful learning that has a purpose, to foster curiosity and love for Music. We take pride in our Music learning. All Saints’ community of adults and pupils celebrate and value Music throughout the school.

Inclusive education which meets the needs of all its pupils, in a truly inclusive culture… Pupils will be given opportunities to work independently, with partners, in teams and as part of the whole class. This allows them to learn to respect each other and celebrate each other’s talents.

Love of mankind - Through exploring Music from around the world, pupils will learn to understand and be tolerant of those with different faiths, beliefs and cultures.

Love of life itself and love of God – Pupils have a positive attitude towards their Music learning and we try to instil a joy of life-long learning. Pupils embrace challenges and are helped to have faith in themselves. During weekly singing worship, pupils recognise that singing is a form of worship.

Hebrews 12.1.3  Let us throw everything that hinders and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us fixing our eyes on Jesus. – Each composition/performance of music is personal and special to the pupils it can take a considerable amount of effort and courage to perform, but as a collective, it adds value to the celebration of Music as a whole at All Saints’.

Pupils are offered a rich, varied and diverse curriculum where we provide opportunities which draw upon meaningful, real-life experiences.

Links to Christian and British Values

The British values and the Christian Values form an integral part of the Music curriculum.

Spiritual - Listening to, creating or performing music can sometimes be a moving and even spiritual experience, creating awe and wonder. Pupils are encouraged to reflect on the important effect that music has on people. Singing is also a form of worship, demonstrated in our weekly singing worship.

Moral – Pupils learn to compose and perform for different audiences and purposes. Pupils also learn to respect all genres of music. Through the songs chosen, children explore meaning and lyrics. Additionally, children learn to look after the musical instruments and equipment, and treat it with respect.

Social – Through the common goal of making music, pupils learn to work effectively with others and build good relationships. Music plays a vital role in building self-confidence such as through sharing music and performing. The extra-curricular opportunities provided at All Saints’ allow all pupils to perform and participate in the celebration of music.

Cultural – Pupils have the opportunity to encounter music from many cultures/religions, and through their growing knowledge and understanding of music, they become more accepting towards other cultures, religions and societies. Pupils learn to respect the diversity of Music. Pupils also learn about the history of music when listening to and appraising music from different genres.

Tolerance – Music learning stimulates pupils’ curiosity about, and tolerance of, differing cultures/religions and their music, whilst also developing a growing awareness of identities, from personal to national to international.

Rule of law – Pupils know that there are rules and expectations that have to be followed during Music learning.

Individual Liberty – Pupils know that they can make independent and informed choices, within the parameters of the rules, when performing, improvising and composing music.

Mutual Respect – Pupils understand that they can express their views and listen to the views of others when appraising music. They also respect other pupil’s views when they differ to their own.

Democracy – Pupils are given opportunities to have a say, ask big questions and be engaged in topic they want to learn about.

The Year 3 Drummers

Mr Kelly offers drumming tuition on a Monday lunchtime.

Music Concert at All Saints' CE Primary School

We celebrated all that is music at All Saints. Mr Melville and Mr Dalgliesh invited parents to watch the music talent at our school. We had recorder players, guitar players, piano players and The Choir plus the Junior Rock Squad.

Incidentally, the Grown up Rock Squad, run by Mr Melville, meet in the School Hall Mondays at 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm - All Welcome.








Children in Year 4 are given the opportunity to learn the guitar.

Soundwave visit to All Saints' primary school

Year 5 and 6 children were lucky enough recently to have a visit from a company called Soundwave who tour local schools with a view to advertising and encouraging involvement with music be it through writing lyrics, singing or even performing the background percussion.

Junior Rock Squad

Our very own Junior Rock Squad (JRS) performed some songs for the school. Well done for putting on a great show.  

It is our policy that children should be given the opportunity to gain enjoyment and satisfaction from listening to, composing and performing music. The majority of the children’s musical experiences will be with the class teacher as an integral part of the curriculum, eg singing and playing percussion instruments.

Keyboard, guitar and recorder tuition is given by either Mr Daglish or Mr Melville and there is a choir which meets before school starts on a Friday morning.

The school has made arrangements for pupils to receive free tuition in keyboard, percussion, violin, guitar, drums and clarinet during the school day. We aim to add to this list whenever the opportunity arises. In addition, there is the opportunity for the children to have instrumental tuition in string and brass instruments at Cockermouth School Music Centre on Saturday mornings.

Every child continues to leave All Saints’ School having had the opportunity to learn an instrument. These include; violin, cello, woodwind / clarinet, brass, guitar, keyboard, drums and recorders. The school has adopted a new music scheme.

The community remains at the heart of the school. The children continue to present art and perform poetry and music to local people of all generations and this is a strength of the school.


Listen to our children playing on their guitars: Caissons

Listen to our children playing on their recorders: Axel

We are a Fairtrade School!

Music Enrichment

At All Saints' CE Primary School there are several times a year when we get together and celebrate all that is music!!!

  • Harvest Celebrations
  • Christmas Play at All Saints Church
  • Christmas singing at the Old Folks Homes around Cockermouth
  • Senior Citizen Christmas Coffee Afternoon
  • Christmas Singing at Sainsbury's for the people of Cockermouth
  • Easter Concert - celebrating all our musicians around school - including the choir, drummers, recorders, guitar players and clarinet players.
  • Summer Sing Up Concert
  • Summer Talent Show - "All Saints' Have Talent"  Celebrating all our musical abilities.
  • Throughout the year we have many live performances from a diverse range of visitors.

Our Weekly Powerpoints - we listen to a piece of music every day based on a different weekly theme.

Listen to our children playing on their recorders: Paddy McGinty's Goat

Marche Militaire

American Patrol

Music Curriculum Plan

Music Progression Overview

The Power of Music to Change Lives