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What lives in the jungle?

What lives on a farm?

Where do we live? How to draw a house


Life Cycles - frog, bean and sunflower

Red Nose Day Fun

World Book Day

Thinking of others - Mothering Sunday

Learning how to care for animals through role play - Vets

Exploring shape

Developing our gross motor skills through P.E.

Role play - Shoe Shop

Exploring pattern

Exploring materials - dissolving, magnetism, floating and sinking and waterproof

Snow Fun

Christmas - what a wonderful time was had by all!

Children In Need

Being creative is great fun, be it self initiated or guided!

We went on a bear hunt in the forest (it's ok, we knew there weren't any real bears!).

Exploring our sense of smell.

We love exploring how to move our bodies!

Caring for others and having aspirations in the role play hospital!

Developing our gross motor skills outside is lots of fun!

Learning, whilst having fun, at Nursery

Park morning

Walk Morning

P.E. on the BIG yard!

Having fun at Nursery :)

Pet Encounters

Sports Day Superstars!

Role play - Minibeasts Laboratory

PAT therapy dog visit - learning how to look after and care for animals

Learning how to grow and take care of plants - planting sunflowers
