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Year 2

Year 2 Timetable

Year 2 Curriculum

Spring Term 2

Theme - Explorers


Literacy this half term is based around 2 texts; The Bear & The Piano and Cakes in Space. The children will use these texts as inspiration for their own writing and we will focus on the grammatical features that we have continually visited throughout the year. The children will be producing different text types such as letters and recipes. 

Spelling will focus on numbers as words. 

Handwriting is practised daily and is linked to phonics and key words. 


This half term we will be learning about money. The children will start by recognising coins and notes and will then learn to make amounts using the different coins. The end of the unit focuses on giving change from amounts under £1. 

As part of this we will be revisiting 2 digit addition and subtraction as a key skill so that the children have the foundation to be able to solve money problems. 

We will also be looking at measuring length, height, mass, capacity and temperature in the last 3 weeks of the term. 


Spring has sprung! We are looking at plants this half-term. The children have already learned about characteristics of living things, dependence and habitats, and this half term focus on plants and what they need to grow and stay healthy. We will be conducting an experiment and testing how removing light, water and soil affects how a plant grows. 

History and Geography

This half-term is a history unit, learning about explorers and thinking about the big idea of 'What does it take to become a great explorer?'. The children learn about famous explorers that have journeyed to different places such as Columbus, Armstrong and Fiennes.  


In Computing we are using technology to create music. We use Chrome Music Lab to explore different aspects of how musicians use computers to create music and use Incredibox to look at how music is built by adding 'tracks' with different sounds and instruments. 

Design Technology

The children will be looking at different ways to join fabric to create a fabric face. They have already learned sewing techniques earlier in the year and now need to select appropriate methods to join the pieces of their fabric face effectively. 

Physical Education 

We are looking at different net/wall games and the different equipment and skills involved in throwing, striking and fielding. We will begin to explore tennis, badminton and cricket. 


Our art unit involves creating portraits using different techniques and materials and creating pictures in the style of famous artists. We will look at size and position by drawing step-by-step portraits before creating a class display in the style of Andy Warhol's Marilyn Monroe piece. 

Religious Education

On a Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Cooke will be teaching the children about why Easter is important to Christians. We use the Understanding Christianity units to help the children to make sense of Bible stories, make connections to their own experiences and how Christians use Bible stories to impact their personal lives. 


Music lessons in Spring Term 2 are singing lessons with Mr Dalglish on a Friday morning. The children are taught as a key stage in the hall and enjoy learning and rehearsing new songs as well as some old favourites. The children are also exploring musical elements as part of their computing unit.