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Remote Learning

September 2021

Dear Parents/ Carers,

We look forward to welcoming your children back to school on Thursday 2nd September. (Children in Nursery and Reception have their own start dates.) We are hoping that this year will be less eventful than last! Following Government guidance we have put all the recommended safety measures in place to ensure that All Saints’ is as safe an environment as possible.

At the beginning and end of the day children in Reception and Nursery will use their own entrances.

We ask that Year 1 and 2 come to school between 8.50 and 9am and not before unless they have an older sibling. Parents will need to maintain a safe distance on the yard. Please do not come to the door until a member of staff tells you to. The children in Years 1 and 2 will be brought out to parents onto the yard at 3.10 pm.

We are asking that parents drop children in years 3,4,5 and 6 off between 8.40 and 8.50 at the school gates if possible rather than coming onto the yard. A member of staff will be on the yard to meet them and show them where to line up. They will finish school at 3.15pm, each year group will leave separately and we ask if you can arrange a place for your child to meet you.

No parents will be allowed in school during the school day.

All children will wash their hands as they enter the building as well as regularly throughout the day. A member of staff will supervise the younger children with this. There will be regular wiping of tables etc with disinfectant throughout the day and deep cleaning at night.

Breakfast club, after school club and school lunches will be available from the first day and can be booked via lunch shop. There will be no money in school. The breakfast club will take place in the multi purpose room.

The guidance strongly discourages items coming into school from home so please send your child with coats and bags but no toys. Reading books will be given out but quarantined as they return to school.

If your child has any symptoms of coronavirus  (High temperature, loss of taste or smell or a new consistent cough) they must not come into school but you must contact school and let us know. If any child show symptoms in school we will contact you right away. If we do have case then Public Health England will be notified and guidance will be followed.

Best wishes

Nicola Smallwood.

Nicola Smallwood.


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